Reconnect with former colleagues, make new connections, and expand your professional network.

Bradley Alumni Connect LogoWelcome to Alumni Connect, our multifaceted alumni program for former Bradley attorneys. Our goal is to provide an opportunity to reconnect with former colleagues, to make new connections, and to expand your professional network. In addition to the quarterly Alumni Connect newsletter, our program includes a members-only alumni LinkedIn group to keep you informed of firm news, as well as the whereabouts and accomplishments of fellow alumni. We will keep you posted as we roll out new features of this professional networking program, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Stay Connected

LinkedIn LogoWe stay connected with our alumni through Bradley's Alumni Connect LinkedIn page where we provide alumni with updates about the firm’s activities. Register to be a member of Alumni Connect, and share your news and updates with us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, would like to subscribe to the Alumni Connect newsletter, or have exciting news you'd like to share with us, please contact