Politics By Any Other Name: Reframing “ESG”

IMN & ESG Decarbonizing Forum



Thursday, July 11, 2024
10:00 AM-10:35 AM PST

Walford Astoria Monarch Beach
Dana Point, CA

Call it backlash or just politics as usual, but there’s no denying that these three little letters invoke an ire more typically reserved for topics most families once tried to avoid discussing at the dinner table. How are ESG leaders reframing “ESG” as a term while still doing the “ESG” work, and how are they repositioning ESG work in ways stakeholders find palatable? What is the value proposition of ESG that stakeholders will get behind? How do you talk about the work you’re actually doing to get more buy-in?

Other Speakers: 

Mark Rothman, Helsel Phelps

For more information, view the agenda.

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