David Pugh Quoted in Construction Dive on Increased Use of CMAR in Public Construction Projects

Construction Dive

Media Mention

Bradley attorney David Pugh was quoted in Construction Dive on the use of construction manager at risk (CMAR) as an alternative delivery method for big construction projects. Unlike in traditional design-bid-build, where the design and building processes are separate and sequential, the CMAR method requires the construction manager and design team to work simultaneously and collaborate early in the design process. 

The federal government began using CMAR and states followed suit to speed up projects and more effectively manage complex builds, said Pugh. 

Today, private entities increasingly finance public infrastructure, and states that are the most liberal in their use of alternative delivery methods also tend to be those aggressively pursuing public-private partnerships, explained Pugh.

“For those projects to work, to be able to attract the private capital to those projects, you’ve got to have alternative delivery methods available,” Pugh said. “Private capital doesn’t want to use the traditional design-bid-build method — too slow, too expensive, too little control.”

The full article, “Why CMAR is on the rise for public construction projects,” was published by Construction Dive on June 25, 2024.