Offering family-friendly workplace policies is more than altruism — it’s an advantage

Mississippi Business Journal

Authored Article


Offering flexible, family-friendly workplace policies isn’t just corporate altruism. It’s a way for savvy employers to reduce turnover and wasted training, ultimately improving businesses’ bottom line.

Companies with flexible and family-friendly workplaces often “sell” those benefits as a way to improve worker wellbeing. For example, Darden Restaurant group advertises that their “broad range of benefits” makes it easier for workers to care for their “health, finances, and overall well-being.” Entergy says that it “create(s) value” for employees by providing a “safe, rewarding, engaging, diverse and inclusive work environment,” with “fair compensation and benefits and opportunities” for advancement.

Republished with permission. The complete article "Offering family-friendly workplace policies is more than altruism — it’s an advantage" was published by the Mississippi Business Journal on October 11, 2023.