Listed in Georgia Super Lawyers, "Rising Star," 2024-2025
Listed in Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch Commercial Litigation, 2021-2025 Litigation – Labor & Employment, 2022-2025 Listed in Georgia Super Lawyers, "Rising Star," 2024-2025 Prevailed before the Georgia Supreme Court on issue of first impression certified by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals relating to the standard for the validity of life insurance policies purchased and sold as alternative investments on the secondary life settlements market. Successfully argued novel issues of Georgia business law before newly formed Georgia State-wide Business Court. Represents one of the nation’s largest insurance brokers in actions relating to former employees’ and competitors’ breaches of restrictive covenants and other unfair competition. Obtained dismissal of multimillion-dollar breach of contract and fraud claims asserted against commercial real estate company related to the purchase and sale of commercial property. Obtained summary judgment on behalf of four related companies in successful defense of former employee’s claims alleging various gender discrimination and whistleblower retaliation theories. Represented various financial institutions in Georgia lawsuits raising UCC, negligence, conversion, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, and other issues. Represented a law firm in a government investigation and related civil proceedings involving allegations that deceased managing partner stole millions of dollars of client trust funds over many years. Obtained less-than-nuisance-value settlement on behalf of employer in response to age, gender, and multiple disability discrimination claims brought by a plaintiff who had been terminated for excessive unscheduled absences.