T. Atkins Roberts Jr.

Representative Experience
    • Developers' counsel for $28 million in low-income housing tax credits
      Represented multiple housing developers in successful bids for low-income housing tax credits totaling more than $28 million for three multifamily construction projects in metro Birmingham. 

      Divestiture of a manufacturing plant in Mexico
      Lead counsel in the sale of assets, including a manufacturing plant and metal products for a manufacturing company located in Mexico.

      Establishment of an Argentine subsidiary
      Lead counsel to a large privately owned corporation in establishing a corporate subsidiary and business presence in Argentina.

      Representation of hydroelectric plant owner in Panama
      Counsel to the owner of a hydroelectric plant in a more than $350 million dispute regarding the EPC contractor of the plant in Panama.

      Construction, equity investment, bond financing and RAD conversion for Loveman Redevelopment II, Ltd.
      Developer’s counsel in the acquisition of real property and development of a 64-unit, multi-family affordable housing project with the sale of LIHTC to a financial institution investor.

      Construction and equity investment to Sweetwater Ridge 2019, Ltd.
      Developer’s counsel on a multi-phase affordable rental housing project using LIHTC.

      Creation of housing tax credit fund
      Representation of a bank, real estate investments company and developer in connection with the creation of a housing tax credit fund for high-income individual and corporate investors.

      Negotiation of architectural services agreement
      Assisted a large architectural firm in the negotiations of an architectural services agreement in connection with the building of a hospital in Lima, Peru.

      Project involving HOPE VI and LIHTC
      Developer’s counsel on a multi-phase affordable rental housing project using HOPE VI and LIHTC.

      Purchase of approximately $8 million in low-income housing tax credits
      Represented a tax credit investor in connection with the purchase of approximately $8 million in low-income housing tax credits in a multi-family housing project of 365 units being developed in Atlanta, Georgia.

      Sale of Georgia State Housing Tax Credits
      Lead counsel to a private equity firm in the sales transaction of more than $15 million in 2018 Georgia State Housing Tax Credits to a large corporate investor.