Representative Experience
  • General Experience
    • Served as lead counsel representing a healthcare client in a putative class action following one of the largest reported healthcare ­related cybersecurity events in Georgia.

      After two weeks of evidentiary hearings before a FINRA securities arbitration panel in New York City in March and May of 2018, secured a complete victory for a broker-dealer client who had been accused of various wrongdoing concerning a customer's account. The customer had claimed over $14 million in damages and recovered nothing. The panel found that the claims were “false” and recommended that the supervisor's industry records be expunged of any reference to the customer's claims. The case was complicated because it involved over six years of trading and because of the absence of any testimony from the broker-dealer who, tragically, passed away just a few weeks before the hearings began.

      Won a major victory on behalf of a securities broker-dealer in a customer case that was decided by a three-arbitrator FINRA panel. The case involved allegedly improper withdrawals from a trust account, which was depleted by the trustee for his own use. The customers sought $19 million in damages. After a week-long evidentiary hearing, the panel rejected all of the customers' claims, awarded the client $500,000 in attorneys’ fees, and ruled that the individual broker’s regulatory records should be "expunged" of all references to the “false” claims.

      Served as lead counsel for a broker-dealer client in a series of cases arising out of a third party's alleged Ponzi scheme. The broker-dealer client successfully defeated claims filed in federal district court in New York and California and in three FINRA arbitrations and recovered attorneys' fees in two of the arbitrations.

      Obtained a complete dismissal of a putative class action filed against a major national bank client related to alleged misrepresentations regarding vendor's single interest (VSI) insurance for automobile loans.

      Favorably settled a hotly contested action involving complex securities derivative products for a national bank.

      Counsels clients following cybersecurity events.

      Reviews client policies and manuals to address privacy and data security concerns.

      Defended national subprime lender in a series of class actions and attorney general enforcement action addressing novel loan issue requiring litigation and arguments in federal district court, federal circuit court, Georgia Superior Court and Georgia Supreme Court. Matters resolved by comprehensive settlement.

      Represented a law firm in a government investigation and related civil proceedings involving allegations that the deceased managing partner stole millions of dollars of client trust funds over many years.

      Multiple representations as local counsel for national firms without a Georgia presence in state and federal court litigation.