Technology is transforming healthcare. Digital health is enabling patients and healthcare providers to increase access, expedite diagnosis, improve and personalize quality of care and outcomes, and decrease costs – all with the tap of a screen or a click of a button. Not only are development and use of digital health escalating rapidly, but investment interest is on a similar trajectory.

These innovations are developing rapidly, outpacing laws and regulations and bringing both change and a whole host of novel legal issues as companies and providers in this space navigate largely uncharted territories. Laws and regulations governing digital health ventures are disjointed across federal and state lines and create many, often undetectable, risks and challenges for digital health clients. Companies and providers that create and/or utilize digital health can benefit from Bradley’s integrated approach, which marries the disciplines of healthcare regulation, technology transactions, intellectual property, and government affairs to provide a comprehensive approach. This integrated, multidisciplinary approach allows us to leverage our long-standing experience and knowledge to ensure that our clients’ strategic business models and operations thrive in the ever-changing legal landscape. We also proactively work with government agencies to shape well-informed policy on behalf of our clients.

Our extensive experience in digital health includes working as strategic legal advisers to national and international companies in the digital health space, app developers, mobile and wireless telecommunication companies, technology providers, and the providers that utilize or spearhead these initiatives. Services include: